‘How To Promote your Wellbeing and Prevent Stress’

By the end of the session, you’ll be able to describe
This training provides practical techniques to enable you to look after and enhance your wellbeing: to think and behave in helpful ways – in terms of your mindset, and what you do and don’t do – and thereby prevent and deal with stress.
We’re aiming for automatic and ‘unconscious competence’ in the skills required to promote our wellbeing, and survive and thrive.
We’ll introduce a working definition of stress, and differentiate between positive ‘pressure’ (or challenge) and the negative impact stress can have. We’ll identify the sources of stress, which can very often be determined by our outlook/perceptions. We’ll explore what we mean by and what it takes to understand and accept ourselves.
We’ll look at how we can respond in four areas – physically, mentally, emotionally and behaviourally – and what we can do if our response is unhelpful.
Exploring the relationship between thinking, feeling and behaving, we’ll examine where some of our unhelpful thinking may come from and also provide and share practical strategies for developing and maintaining a resilient outlook, and positive behaviours. We’ll also take the opportunity to specifically plan what we’ll be doing going forward and how we’ll be doing it.
In addition to tutor input, we’ll be undertaking a number of activities and exercises, along with a good deal of delegate participation.
(Please note that delegate numbers are limited to 12)
For further information, please email us, or call 0118 3283246