I’m excited to let you know about the Wellbeing and Resilience Club, a new community that I launched in August, 2024 (it’s part of the Stress Management Plus Academy). 

It’s for those of us who are interested in personal development/personal effectiveness, with an emphasis on wellbeing and resilience, supporting you to make more/the most of yourself and situations and encouraging and enhancing your ability to deal with life’s ups and downs. 

As a Club member, each week I’ll be recommending to you tasks; ‘assignments’; nudges; reminders; lessons; learnings to you – building a plan of action – in areas that we know can make a positive difference to our wellbeing and resilience, as per the graphic below. Every fortnight, we have a live online group coaching session, to feed back on, to share and to build on these learnings; and once a month, we have a live online training/development session on a related topic.

I’ve set up this community/club in order to share with members tried and tested, evidence-based techniques, skills and practices on an ongoing basis: to try out, to practice and to benefit from. Some will be more relevant to each of us as individuals than others, and you give them a go as little or as often as you like.

I very much welcome feedback on how community members get on with these techniques and how they ‘land’. 

And because it’s a community, we have the opportunity to share the learning and experience(s) of others – what they did that they found useful etc

Details of the Wellbeing and Resilience Club


To recap, membership of the Club gives you all of the following: 
✅a weekly wellbeing/resilience activity to undertake
✅️a fortnightly live online group coaching session
✅a monthly live online training/development session

It’s a new community, and I’ll be seeking views, ideas and suggestions as to structure and content as the community grows and develops.

Click here or on the graphic above to find out more and to join the Club . I can’t wait to welcome you!

Marc Kirby, August 2024